Wednesday, March 18, 2020

positive effects of gene altering essays

positive effects of gene altering essays The Positive Effects of Gene Altering Since the beginning of the human race, we have been looking. We have been looking for ways to make our lives healthier, more comfortable, and happier. In the beginning it was simple rocks, plants, and fires. As our technology advanced so did the comfort of our lives. The wheel, the cure to the plaque, and who can forget the remote control, were all tools that made it possible to improve the quality of life. What tool lies ahead in the future to promote our well being and happiness? Genetic engineering is that tool. Every living thing is made up of genes, and with the capability of altering these genes, the possibilities are endless. Everything from better quality produce to the prevention of cancer is a possibility with genetic engineering, and scientists are just now beginning to understand the complex gene patterns. If you can imagine a world free of diabetes, or male pattern baldness, and genetics has a major role. Genetic engineers might someday have the capabilities to remove these genes or even clone wanted genes, and in the end allowing us to live the healthy, comfortable, happier lives we seek. The numbers of positive outcomes from genetic engineering are inconceivable. Genetic engineering will lead to healthier, more comfortable, and better lives. Genetic engineering will improve every day produce and goods. For producers involved with living organisms as their products, genes play a major role in the quality of their products and amount of profit. If a farmer's cows are not as lean, or their corn is diseased, then the demand for their product is going to be less than the competition. That is where genetics comes in. It is possible, by altering certain genes, to create a leaner cow, or a disease resistant stalk of corn, and it is this fact that makes genetic engineering invaluable to the every day farmer. If their cattle is leaner, or their chickens are engineered to...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Einstein Proposes His Theory of Relativity

Einstein Proposes His Theory of Relativity In 1905, Albert Einstein, a 26-year-old patent clerk, wrote a paper that revolutionized science. In his Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein explained that the speed of light was constant but that both space and time were relative to the position of the observer.   Who Was Albert Einstein? In 1905, Albert Einstein was not a famous scientist actually, he was quite the opposite. Einstein had been an unpopular student at the Polytechnic Institute, at least with the professors, because he wasnt shy about telling them he found their classes dull.  That was why when Einstein (barely) graduated in 1900, none of his professors would write him a recommendation letter. For two years, Einstein was an outcast of sorts and was very lucky to finally get a job in 1902 at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Although he worked six days a week, the new job allowed Einstein to get married and start his family. He also spent his limited free time working on his doctorate. Despite his future fame, Einstein seemed an undistinguished, 26-year-old, paper pusher in 1905. What most did not realize was that in between work and his family life (he had a young son), Einstein worked diligently on his scientific theories. These theories would soon change how we viewed our world. Einstein's Theory of Relativity In 1905, Einstein wrote five articles and had them published in the prestigious Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics). In one of these papers, â€Å"Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Koerper† (â€Å"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies†), Einstein detailed his Special Theory of Relativity. There were two main parts of his theory. First, Einstein discovered that the speed of light is constant. Secondly, Einstein determined that space and time are not absolutes; rather, they are relative to the position of the observer. For example, if a young boy were to roll a ball across the floor of a moving train, how fast was the ball moving? To the boy, it might look like the ball was moving at 1 mile per hour. However, to someone watching the train go by, the ball would appear to be moving the one mile per hour plus the speed of the train (40 miles per hour). To someone watching the event from space, the ball would be moving the one mile per hour the boy had noticed, plus the 40 miles an hour of the speed of the train, plus the speed of the Earth. E=mc2 In a follow-up paper also published in 1905, â€Å"Ist die Traegheit eines Koerpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhaengig?† (â€Å"Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?†), Einstein determined the relationship between mass and energy. Not only are they not independent entities, which had been a long-held belief, their relationship could be explained with the formula Emc2 (Eenergy, mmass, cspeed of light). Einsteins theories not only changed Newtons three laws and transformed physics, it became a foundation for astrophysics and the atomic bomb.